March is Women's History Month!

In March, I plan to highlight and review the works of many women authors that have inspired my life!

Here are a few of the titles I plan to review or at least highlight and show some love to:

  1. Patty McCord- Powerful
  2. Chelsea Handler- Lies that Chelsea Handler Told Me
  3. Jojo Moyes- Still Me, One Plus One, Me Before You
  4. Rachel Hollis- Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing
  5. Megyn Kelly- Settle for More
  6. Christy Turlington- Living Yoga
  7. Allison Shapira- Speak with Impact
  8. JK Rowling- Harry Potter
  9. Austen- Pride and Prejudice
What are your favorite women authors? How has a woman inspired your life?

Thank you,

Peace and Love, 
Coach Kerry


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