
Life's lessons...2024

 Don't judge others... Choose happiness  Love above all... Find peace in every situation  Eat well Exercise daily  Find a charity to motivate you Shop local Shop big box stores that donate to charity like Target. Love your family and check in on friends 

2024 so far... great!

 This year has been amazing so far! I am happy, loving life and appreciative of everything. I quit smoking and am focused on exercise,  positive thinking and future goals for my consulting business.  

What makes you feel inspired?

 What makes you feel inspired?  Such a great question from my Mom journal for the August 26th 2022 writing prompt.  Many things this year so far have made me feel inspired. My kids' kindness, my husband's love, my mother's devotion to her family. My friends and neighbors and family for showing me so much love on my birthday in July. So. Many. Things.  But... thinking of my inner inspiration coming from myself,  I wrote this in that moment and want to share how my heart was feeling on August 26th: Question: when you look back at this past year,  what makes you feel inspired? What does this inspire you to achieve or do? My answer: I feel inspired when I look at my 1 mile benchmark time at Orangetheory Fitness. I was able to run a mile in 8 minutes 46 seconds. I ran a mile in less than 9 minutes! A couple months ago in May, I was at my healthiest! This proves I don't need to smoke cigarettes, that I am athletic and can accomplish any goal I set my mind to. This benchmark t

As a Mother, what 2 values do you most want to teach your children at this age?

 To love everyone but don't be a pushover. Be strong in your convictions. Don't judge others on the surface because you never know what somebody is truly going through on the inside. There are many values I want to teach my kids but I feel like love is #1. Love for God, self and others.  See the image below for one of the reasons why I picked this value in my Mom journal.   

What's something your children would be surprised to learn about you?

What's something that your children would be surprised to learn about you? Why do you think this would surprise them? My children would be surprised to learn that I worked, had an amazing career making lots of money, went to college for 6 years and traveled to Italy at age 20 right after 9-11.  They'd be surprised because all they see and remember is me being home! They never knew the working woman I was, they were too little to remember.   I bet they'd be surprised to see me as a brave independent traveler. Imagine your Mom going to a foreign country all alone at age 20 with no parents,  friends or family?  They might know stories but my kids don't really know me as that independent person. They see me now as a dependent stay at home Mom who just does chores.  What would your kids be surprised to learn about you?

Happy Father's Day weekend 2022

 Beautiful weekend celebrating my husband! A Father is instrumental to a child's life. Billy,  you're one of the best... I thank God for blessing us with you.