
Showing posts from April, 2015

Keep Going, You Got This!!

I got a lower body fix in last night and dirty 30 workout in this morning.  I feel more energized,  calm, and confident when I exercise.  I'm in a better mood and feel strong and sexy. I need to exercise so I can be the best Mom for my kids. Keep going Moms!! You got this!

We made a cake for Daddy

Baking with my preschooler and making a mess is fun and rewarding.   Betty Crocker does not dissapoint. My daughter attempted to write her name on the cake too and did a decent job.  We gave her a long name, poor kid. Cheers to messes and yummy cake! 

Day 21 of the 21 Day Fix

I crashed into Day 21 and am ready to start Round 2.  I missed a couple days, but then "made up for it" by going back on track.  Life and family events (and a few celebratory, tasty mimosas) threw me off a little bit, but it's all good.  I see the positive benefits from this program and while it will definitely take more than 21 days to transform myself (AKA lose the annoying saddle bags and wide-load status), I am enjoying the process of transformation.  I am enjoying the process of change (not craving bad foods and actually looking forward to exercising). I have worked out for years and tried different videos (my 1st one being Eric Nies' The Grind Hip Hop Aerobics in 1996: )  and have to say, in my opinion, these DVDs are worth the money.  They are fun, fat burning, and motivating. As I have known for over 15 years now (I was a member at the YMCA at age 15), being healthy a

#takebackpostpardum, #21dayfix, Day 15- No quitting, only committing.

Today is day 15 and my quads feel tighter, my abs feel stronger, and I have more energy than I did 2 weeks ago. I have missed maybe a day or two each week and I definitely snuck in a few bites of chocolate and cake for the holidays. I am not doing this perfectly at all. However,  I am still exercising 5-6 times per week, consistently and eating well 95% of the time. This is a major F-ing WIN!! I love how with each work out, I'm getting better at the moves and can take on heavier weights. The hardest exercises for me are: 1. Side plank with leg lift 2. Push up I'm putting in 100% each time and will be strong enough to master these moves. Yup, I will. And I know,  one week I'll get it perfect. The hardest emotional challenge has been taking the 30 minutes just for me when my babies were sick.  My toddler was sick and I didn't want to leave her side. Even though spending 30 minutes with Auntumn Calabrese is much easier than cleaning up diarrhea and vomit, I did no

21 Day fix- day 10!

Sunday's yoga felt great!  I was reminded of how strong you need to be to simply stretch. Since I worked overtime, and a train derailment caused extra delays,  I was exhausted Monday (day 9) and really missed my kids. I decided to skip the video,  use my time to hug and cuddle with my kids and eat a little ice cream with fruit. I didn't feel bad at all. It felt great to just enjoy the sweetness of my daughters and ice cream. So, yesterday was day 10 and I left for work by 6am, home by 7 is and was hungry and tired. My husband is on nights,  so it was all me to cook, give baths,  change poopy diapers,  cuddle and be a good mom. My preschooler has sniffles and needed extra care. I really wanted to split myself in 3 last night so I could give each baby all of me. However,  by 9:30pm, my toddler was in bed,  my preschool relaxing and 4 month old chillen on my bed playing.  I popped in the dvd and did Monday and Tuesday's workout.  1 hour of sweating and toning.  I had to pa