21 Day fix- day 10!

Sunday's yoga felt great!  I was reminded of how strong you need to be to simply stretch.

Since I worked overtime, and a train derailment caused extra delays,  I was exhausted Monday (day 9) and really missed my kids. I decided to skip the video,  use my time to hug and cuddle with my kids and eat a little ice cream with fruit. I didn't feel bad at all. It felt great to just enjoy the sweetness of my daughters and ice cream.

So, yesterday was day 10 and I left for work by 6am, home by 7 is and was hungry and tired. My husband is on nights,  so it was all me to cook, give baths,  change poopy diapers,  cuddle and be a good mom. My preschooler has sniffles and needed extra care. I really wanted to split myself in 3 last night so I could give each baby all of me.

However,  by 9:30pm, my toddler was in bed,  my preschool relaxing and 4 month old chillen on my bed playing.  I popped in the dvd and did Monday and Tuesday's workout.  1 hour of sweating and toning. 

I had to pause It here and there but I did it!

Cheers to good health and nearly dropping dead!


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