Day 21 of the 21 Day Fix

I crashed into Day 21 and am ready to start Round 2.  I missed a couple days, but then "made up for it" by going back on track.  Life and family events (and a few celebratory, tasty mimosas) threw me off a little bit, but it's all good.  I see the positive benefits from this program and while it will definitely take more than 21 days to transform myself (AKA lose the annoying saddle bags and wide-load status), I am enjoying the process of transformation.  I am enjoying the process of change (not craving bad foods and actually looking forward to exercising).

I have worked out for years and tried different videos (my 1st one being Eric Nies' The Grind Hip Hop Aerobics in 1996:  and have to say, in my opinion, these DVDs are worth the money.  They are fun, fat burning, and motivating.

As I have known for over 15 years now (I was a member at the YMCA at age 15), being healthy and exercising is a lifestyle. As long as you change your mindset and expectations, you will be successful at any fitness program.  You need to understand that transforming your body starts from within and has little to do with a specific program and more to do with your own internal commitment and desire to change.

However, working out while single is much different from working out when you are not.

I have never tried any exercise routine while working full-time and raising 3 small children under the age of 5.  A newborn no less! After having 2 pregnancies, literally back-to-back, I miss my old body.  I miss the way clothes used to fit.  I miss the way I could wear heels but now my ankles kill me from the extra weight.  I have all the motivation and desire, but I do not have the time or energy (at times).  Managing expectations.  I should not expect my old body to come overnight and I should not expect to be able to start a fitness program and follow it 100% successfully with 3 small children under the age of 5.

Nonetheless, I tried it, I liked it, I will continue to follow along as imperfectly as possible until one day, you will see a blog that proclaims, I did the 21 day fix perfectly for 21 days.  So, I created my own goal- to complete at least one round of the 21 day fix, perfectly.

As is life, we must be flexible, we must be open to adjusting the rules to fit into our own lifestyles, we must be resilient, persistent, and never let one small thing throw us down.  Life is full of curve balls and curvy women- we must love and appreciate them all, because each one will teach us a new way to move.


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