Alice through the looking glass

This movie in a sentence : a bunch of weirdos dressed up in costume with fancy accents. I hate fantasy movies but reluctantly went along with my husband and 2 oldest girls, just to make them happy. I tried to make the most of it and engage but I just can't take a wacky pale- faced nut bag with a curly red wig, seriously. It would be fun to dress like him for Halloween... so my mind wandered off to think about other things.

I did not pay $55 a ticket to be bored. I want a movie to provide an escape but this just did not do it for me. I love documentaries, horror movies like Friday the 13th, comedies and romantic love stories... and any movie made from a book I've enjoyed. But this movie is just a waste for me. And forget Star Wars... I don't give a hoot about your world and what you are fighting for... not for me.

I cannot wait to see Me Before You... loved the book and cannot wait to see the movie.

I hope my special someone will take me to see that just to make me happy :)


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