Happy New Year!! Cheers to 2020...

I am very happy to be in a new year and decade. The last 10 years I basically been growing my family by having 4 kids. I saw my career go from being at my best in corporate America to part time, to easy government work and then nonexistent as I took on my job as a full time Mom. I love my life as a Mom and it's been so much fun to see my kids grow and share love and beautiful memories.  I definitely had a couple low points in this decade when I had 2 postpartum breakdowns. My two hospital stays were the toughest times in my life and yet it made me stronger. I look back and think of the moments when I had so much anxiety,  paranoia , and weird delusions where I believed things happened that didn't...it was like having a bad dream that you think is real when you wake up. It's weird how the brain can work when you are sleep deprived after having a newborn and your hormones are all out of whack. I'm glad medication worked for me and I was able to be back with my family.

I definitely gained a lot of weight over the last 3 years and haven't lost much since my last pregnancy last year. So my biggest goal of 2020 is to lose 50 lbs. I lost 25lbs so far since August 1st. I lost 15 just in the last month and half because I been avoiding carbs. But... Thanksgiving and holidays came and it slowed my progress a bit. I'm not worried though because I am motivated and have a good plan that works. By this summer, I will be so happy with my progress,  I just know it!

Here are some notes I been writing to myself throughout this months journey  .. weight loss is a hard journey so I wanted to document all the struggles that come with it. It's a mental game sometimes...

December 21, 2019:

Ugh so today I definitely overdid it with the carbs. I ate probably 100g of carbs today. My goal is to eat only 30 per day from vegetables. I feel so bad ... the last 3 days I been eating slightly more carbs than usual and breaking away from my strict diet... but only with like one of my meals. Today though I really overdid it... so I guess this can be considered a cheat day for me for this week. I haven't had a cheat day since starting the 2nd month, December 11th. Considering I have my period and still been working out 4-5 x per week, I shouldn't feel that bad, but it's time to regroup, start fresh in the morning and forget about today. I am going to start tracking my food again tomorrow on the app and truly be strict again. Wednesday I had a chia smoothie (healthy but lots of carbs), Friday i had a slice of bread with lunch (not terrible). Thursday we had tacos and I didn't eat tortilla but i had refried beans...I also had a cookie... i been mostly trying to stick to eggs, protein shakes, salads with chicken and other healthy snacks like peanut butter. Today though I definitely went overboard. Considering how I've eaten in the past, I'm doing much better than ever. I used to eat bread with multiple meals per day, lots of sweets, lots of carbs and not as much exercise. But tomorrow, December 22nd I will regroup and get back on track... I'm getting too loosey goosey!! Always a week or so in, I start to go off track but I need to remember my goals!! Need to lose this weight once and for all! So sick of being fat! So sick of extra weight and clothes not fitting right!! Ahhhh!!! Stay on course girl, you can do it!! I'm doing well considering the kids eat shit foods all day and night, it's the holidays, lots of stress with 4 kids and yet I persevere so I'm good just gotta get better!! Get stricter...

December 23rd:

December 22nd was Haileys 1st birthday so I ate sushi and then had cookies and carvel cake! Ughhh... today I ate a bagel, had mac and potatoe salads, beans, but no sweets at least. And not a lot of food... small portions. Good thing is both days I burned lots of calories at the gym... but... I told myself i wanted to be strict and yet I'm not. Ok so all i can do is move forward and try again. Tomorrow is Christmas eve and i hope to go to the gym, not eat carbs or sweets and be good. I will not eat bad tomorrow!! I will have wine but no sweets, no breads, no pasta and watch my foods!! Good luck Kerry!! Once the holidays are over things should be much easier. But I still want to lose 10 lbs total by January 11th. I lost 3lbs so far, so I got 19 days to lose 7 more!!

December 30th 2019:

Welp, December has been harder than I thought around the holidays to keep a strict diet. I been eating slightly bad for many days now, buuuut... I been working out hard and still motivated to keep trying every day. Its hard to not indulge at Christmas...I been putting too much pressure on myself. I will be happy even if I lost 5 lbs this entire month but I know I'll lose more. On January 1st to the 11th, I'm gonna detox by only eating 2 shakes per day and a salad with vegetables for dinner and thats it. I can eat an egg or two for snacks in between but thats it! I need to do that for 10 days plus exercise in order to reach my goals. I bet I'll be 210 by January 11th and that's 6 lbs lost... which isnt terrible for the major holiday month. But January, February, March should be much easier and I should be down 30 more lbs by April 11th. One day at a time though... I gotta stick to it! 

January 1st 2020:

So, its January 1st and holidays were tough to get through because I definitely cheated but I still lost 6lbs. I still have 9 days left until this month is over and I plan to be very strict. My 9 day reboot will be as follows:

Breakfast- protein shake
Lunch- protein shake
Snack- green veggies and fruit smoothie from tropical smoothie- island green detox
Dinner- grilled chicken with salad and vegetables
Other snacks if starving- 1 scrambled egg, spoon of peanut butter

This simple plan should get me through next 9 day reboot pretty easily.

Exercise- at least 4x per week at the gym with cardio and strength training.

Cheers to 2020!! I'm happy holidays are done and the temptations will be over. 


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