The girl who studies

Education,  studying,  learning,  observing, thinking, understanding,  analyzing,  doing,  changing the world.

The girl who studies gets good grades.

Education is important.  Young women if you hear me, study more!

Stay in school,  work hard,  never give up, deal with your doubts and stay strong.

I was invited to the East Harlem Womens Leadership Academy to volunteer for an outreach program.  I want to go to help so I can be part of something bigger than my own small problems.  As I am researching the location,  I am reading about one of their students who interviewed First Lady Michelle Obama.  I know that young woman who got this opportunity to do something important.  I know the young woman who was 1st in her family to graduate college.  I know she will go far, I know she will have doubts,  I know this because I was that young woman too.

I hope I get to do the volunteer event;  I haven't volunteered in Harlem since 2007. This would require me giving up time with my kids which is very tough for me to do. I'll have to think more about it.

Hope grows in the toughest places plagued with hatred. Hope grows in the dirty concrete under our feet. Hope exists in this cold, tough world.

This blog today is my offering of hope to anyone who needs it.


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