I felt inspired this morning to write a piece on how you,  yes you, can do anything you put your mind to in life. Maybe it was the runners high speaking in my mind or beginning stages of overheating,  lol. I know there are millions of books trying to motivate people so why bother write my version?

Well, because I want to!

Life is not easy and I had to work hard if I ever wanted anything more in life. As I think back on the key theme of my life and what helped me, it probably boils down to an overwhelming desire to want to achieve something and a practical ability and skill to research opportunities to help me get there- utilize all resources. You gotta want it (be motivated) and you need to not be afraid to find help.

I grew up with a good home, food, normal family problems but we were lower income. We lived in an apartment and didn't have extras like vacations every year or a pool or fancy things. We were happy and healthy and that's all that mattered.

To get to college, I needed to work hard in school for scholarships. I wanted to go to college and I found ways to do it. I took out loans, used whatever scholarship or grant I could get,  worked hard to get free housing and found many part time jobs with professors,  retail,  waitressing, etc. I'm pretty sure that anybody can find a job if they want one. Ask friends for help, teachers, local government agencies,  sometimes complete strangers will help. Most people are willing to help of you ask nicely. Who doesn't want to help a student thrive in life?

I graduated with a Masters degree,  found great jobs and made good money. I worked to get a mortgage for a house for my family and built my credit up over the years.

I wanted all these nice things for my family and so I found ways. Anyone can do it! You just need to want it.

Same thing recently with losing weight. It has been hard. Took me a couple years to find the motivation but once I did, I kept going. I got help from friends,  apps, books, etc. But I know how hard it is to find motivation. I would tell myself lies like oh its never gonna happen,  I can't control my eating,  im too far gone already,  I rather just eat and smoke. I believed my thought distortions for a couple years. I told myself I was lazy. Finally, I had enough and I think everyone gets to that point. I decided to do low carb but that didn't work longterm for me because its hard to give up carbs. All or nothing thinking didn't work but I never gave up, I found a new strategy. I cared enough to invest in myself.

I'm now 20 lbs away from my goal weight. It feels amazing and I hope that by reading this blog other people realize that we are all human. We all struggle to be motivated but we should care for ourselves. As a Mom, we do so much for our kids, our parents,  neighbors,  friends,  etc. We should take time for our health too.

Just believe that you can do anything! Go get em!!


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