Thinking about careers, being a Mom and happiness

 I really don't know what to call this blog or where to begin... I'll just write my thoughts and hopefully it comes out eloquently enough.

I often feel like I'm missing out on a great career I would of had if I didn't have kids... or maybe it's just me wondering where I'd be in my career right now if I never left the corporate world... and then I think... who cares? What's the point anyway? 

Would having a longer corporate career with more money and higher title have made me happier? I think- are my friends who are still in the game any happier? Does an extra vacation a year or bigger house or extra money equal a happier life? To me those things would not have made me happier or more satisfied. Would having accolades and bigger titles made me feel more of a person and more of a success? Absolutely not! They never did to me even when I was working.

I tried to hang in the corporate world while raising 3 kids and it just was not working for me. I never wanted to miss a single moment with my babies and the stress of a corporate job just wasn't worth my time or energy anymore. My heart has always been to be close to my kids and to make sure they were happy. 

I worked since I was a kid- always had jobs to make money and be productive... my corporate career was probably about 12 years long so definitely not longer like some of my other friends but that's ok to me. 

I realized that to me and my family,  we are ok with the life we have... we have fun every day,  we have a good home and we get to go away every so often and we get quality time on a daily basis.  I don't need a high paying job to get the happiness we all want in life. I found my happiness in my daughters smiles and their first moments in life. 

I was never good at balancing corporate career and being a Mom... because I just didn't want to or need to. Some people want that for their life and that's ok too. I just feel good knowing that there are no regrets in my choices for family,  career and life. 

To be happy is to find peace in your own choices and to be strong in your convictions. 

I don't need to wonder, "what if?" Anymore because I know the truth. 

When I first left corporate life though I definitely felt bad like I was giving up something,  losing myself but only to find as I got older that I was only gaining so much more that you cannot put a price tag on. 

I just hope that any mom out there who is struggling with the choice between career and family knows how hard it is and that the toughest choice is often the one that go against what society deems as normal and if you have the courage to choose what truly makes you happy then go for it! 

Thanks for reading!


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