My 21 day fix transformation- slow but ready

10 minutes to order the product by phone.

3 days to receive package.

1 day to open the box and empty all contents.

2 days to read through important materials.

2 days to debate the program in my head.

I had over 35 excuses why I couldn't start; funeral, mourning,  kids, commute,  fake headache,  it was raining, it was cold, I ate Chinese and pizza anyway. ..




Instead of focusing on being perfect, I let it all go and just took the chance I had and threw the DVD in, hit play, and did the dirty 30 workout.

 I frigging LOVED it!!! The best 30 minute work out I had in a long time. I was sore for next 2 days. I'm now a believer and will put my all into this system.  I said that Saturday.  Yesterday was Sunday,  so I took full advantage of the official break day. It's now Monday and I'm all in baby!

Yes, it took me over 2 weeks to get here but I'm ready.

Monday, March 23rd is my official start day. 

I'm tired of the extra weight.  I'm tired of my own excuses.  I'm tired of processed food. I'm tired of not making my health a priority.

Yup, I'm done with being tired.

Summer, I will be ready.  (And not summer of 2018). This summer! !

Burn it up, turn it out,  get it going, don't stop, won't stop!!


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