The commute to NYC from Suffolk would be Amaze balls if...

1. Manicure and pedicure services- I mean how awesome would it be to have someone massage your feet and change your polish while sitting in delays?

2. Personal training- can totally add a car on, remove the seats,  add in some free weights and have one crazy mother trucker run a boot camp class.

3. Cooking classes- nope, that's not the smell from the broken down bathroom,  that's Chef's gourmet broccoli rab cooking in the front car. Learn a new skill and eat a healthy dinner.

4. Coffee dispensers- each car should have a huge coffee maker or Keurigs instead of those pointless coat racks.

I admit,  I will sometimes spend the first 30 minutes of my commute home to do squats, leg lifts,  and other quiet and effective exercises. It feels great to get in a little exercise before I get home. People watch at times because it's not your typical LIRR behavior,  but I'm a leader and don't care about naysayers.  One night,  some girl and guy were chuckling and I just flashed them a thumbs up. He came over at end of ride and we had a good chat about the importance of getting work outs in. I said, next time join me!

Well, while I may never see the day where the LIRR offers great services to its patrons, I am still happy and grateful to simply be alive to see my family smile.


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