UNFU*K Yourself- Chapter 3 - I am Wired to Win- Hell yes you are! Get it! CANT STOP WONT STOP

Top 5 points:

1. I am wired to win- as per scientific brain studies. If you procrastinate often, you win at that,  if you achieve goals often,  you win at that.

2. Dr. Bruce Lipton- 95% of what we do is subconscious. So, dig deep and think how you been drawing conclusions and limiting your own potential.

3. You need a game plan- set goals.
SMART goals- Specific,  Measurable,  Attainable,  Relevant,  Time-bound. What gets measured, matters.

4. Fill your brain and subconscious with positive,  goal-oriented, limitless thoughts with the mindset that you can win. Nature says we can win, our brains are designed for it!

5. "Trust yourself, give yourself fully to your vast capacity for victory." - Gary John Bishop, pg. 71.

V- valuable,  vibrant

I- independent, intelligent,  intuitive

C- coachable,  curable, caring

T- tenacious

O- outstanding

R- relevant,  rewarding

Y- youthful

That was my own example of how to "fill up your bucket."

I attached a picture of my own 2019 goals- I try to always use the SMART model.

I also snapped a picture of me working with a beautiful image of where I want to visit one day and the image of my current view which is a rainy muddy puddle day. But despite the weather,  despite my emergency c section just days ago and bloody spinal headache,  I am still willing to achieve my goal to give you a weekly book blog post.


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